Try MindPulse

Access MindPulse the way you want, online or offline (download) !

Benefit from your 3 free reports pour de votre première inscription depuis l’une des deux versions (qui sont compatibles).


Access MindPulse Online

Take advantage of MindPulse on the internet now :

  • Manage your patients reports
  • Launch the test from the platform
  • Assess through telepractice

Access MindPulse Offline

Account type*

Confidentiality of your data

13 + 14 =

* Obligatory

MindPulse registration

Take advantage of MindPulse's downloadable version to take tests offline, and connect offline to send your test data and receive your reports.

Fill out the form to get access to the download test!

Make your own opinion and try MindPulse with 3 free reports !
