MindPulse test :
Digital assessment of executive and attentional
functions and rection to difficulty
in decision-making
S. Suarez; J. Ansado; N. Mirofle; B. Eynard; C. Mennetrey; S. Granon
JNPN, july 2022
Introduction to MindPulse:
- MindPulse (MP): A digital test for assessing executive and attentional functions
- New indices of brain functioning:Executive Speed (ES) and Reaction to Difficulty (RD) (Suarez and al., 2021)
- Calculation of response tendency using the Diffusion Decision Model* (Ratcliff et al., 2016) (Ratcliff and al., 2016)
Objective of the study:
- Validation of MindPulse from 18 to 80 years old.
Diffusion Decision Model*
(Ratcliff and al., 2016)

Calculation of the tendency towards a positive response (ν) and the 'response threshold' (a). Each individual will require a particular amount of time during which they accumulate the necessary information to respond.
Construction of the MindPulse tool:

721 subjects between 18 and 80 years old and 168 data per subject.
→ Correction of age and gender
- Independence of the indices decomposing speed: ES, TR, RD
- Balance between executive speed and number of errors (r=0.2)
- Increase in the number of errors with age (r=0.13).
- Strong correlation between the Reaction to Difficulty and the Perception of Difficulty (Drift B : r=0.18 & C : r=0.27).
- Reliability : Excellent
• Cronbach's Alpha
A = 0.91%; B = 0.87%; C = 0,95% - Validity: Excellent
Correlation of A and B (r=0.40) and A and C
(r=0.27); and correlation of B and C (r=0.44).
Decomposition of TR into 3 uncorrelated indices
A, ES, and RD confirmed. - Consistency (Stability over time):
• Re-test on 148 subjects (2-79 days)
• TRS stable: r=0.691
• Slight acceleration in ES: r=0.599
• Slight decrease in Total Errors: r=0.289
• RD (r=0.000; p=0.9: not significant)
• Extinction at 7 weeks
*p<.000 everywhere
Case example: Mrs. N, 57 years old - Long COVID

We observe:
✓ Slowing of TRS & ES
✓ Fatigability
✓ Executives difficulties
- Separation of TR into independent components (TRS, ES, RD)
- Balance of speed, accuracy, and variability of executive and attentional functions
- MindPulse: Excellent reliability, validity, and consistency
- Standards for ages 9-17 currently being prepared.