As the MindPulse team was establishing the start-up, the pandemic COVID-19 was declared and the world was put on pause period. This should have been the beginning of the distribution of MindPulse period..

Sandra SUAREZ's clinical work was suspended like that of all her colleagues, psychologists et neuropsychologist. But MindPulse had the capacity to transform a weakness into a strength : an accelerated version with new developments was made available as a remote test.

With one year delay, MindPulse was used by practitioners on patients from 13 to 60 years old. The feedback was excellent ! A new standardization was started to enlarge the standards from 6 to 110 years old.

In summer 2021 the team was rewarded for their perseverance : in Frontiers in Neurosciences MindPulse published its first scientific article. MindPulse also received the lauréat du grand concours i-lab from BPI France. It also won the "coup de coeur" from Wilco, the incubator specialized in the health sector. Lastly, MindPulse came in as the finalist at the well known Prix Galien competition in the category e-santé.

Make your own opinion and try MindPulse with 3 free reports !
